It's been 40 days

It’s been 40 days since my mom passed away. It wasn’t an event that caught us by surprise. We had been expecting this inevitable day since we found out 16 months ago that her breast cancer from decades ago came back and it had metastasized. But death is never easy, even when you think you are prepared.

I didn’t go into my studio for a long while. For me, art is an escape and I did not want to runaway from my current reality. I felt I owed it to my mom to fully grieve without distraction. My sorrow is how I can honor her life. But as I reflected on her, I realized I was actually doing the opposite. You see, my mom sought beauty in all parts of her life - in fashion, in her garden, and in her home. She collected fine art, commissioned several portraits, and often asked me to create paintings for her. The last thing my mom wants is for me to stop adding beauty into the world. And with that realization, I went back into my studio and dusted off my watercolor brush. My first painting in 2023 was of her - circa early 1980’s. My mom was my role model & my biggest cheerleader. She is forever my muse.
